
Amazing Babies Dolls

Amazing babies make superb gifts

Amazing Babies DollsAmazing Babies seem so real - they come alive because of you! When you speak to your Amazing Baby, she'll turn her head to look at you. And just like a real baby, Amazing Babies also learn to speak and even improve their vocabulary. For instance, when your Amazing Baby first learns to speak, she may ask for her cookie by simply saying Cookie. Then as time passes, she'll say Mommy, I want cookie please. Amazing Babies come with six special interactive accessories (cookie, spoon, rattle, blanket, teddy bear and bottle). When your baby asks for her accessory, she'll be able to recognize which one you've placed in her hand. She's even able to play a fun game of Hide 'n Seek. When two Amazing Babies are placed together, they can magically speak to each other. They'll even know which accessory the other one is holding in her hand. Amazing Babies - no other dolls are so beautiful ...or so smart.

Each Amazing Baby doll does more than talk--she actually learns from your child. She'll begin by babbling, but give her the accessories she asks for (by plugging them into her hand), and she'll soon expand her vocabulary, working up to sentences such as I'm cold, Mommy. Can I have a blanket, please? Place her next to another Amazing Baby and they'll chat with each other; in fact, they'll even recognize each other's toys and belongings and talk about them. In addition to responding to toys and other babies, she is designed to respond to the sound of your voice by turning her head to look at you when you speak--though we found her performance of this trick to be a little slow and inconsistent. Amazing Baby has a 14-inch vinyl body with posable arms and legs. She sports a lavender floral-print smock with matching booties, and comes with her own interactive bottle, blanket, teddy, cookie, hairbrush, rattle, and spoon.