


Action Figures

Art Toys

Baby Dolls

Baby Toys



Beach Toys

Board Games


Building Toys

Cartoon Characters


Doll Houses


Educational Toys

Kids Electronics

Fashion Toys

Fisher Price

Game Hardware

Handy Manny

Kitchen Toys


Music Toys

My Scene

Kids Music

Party Games

Pool Toys



RC Toys

Robotic Pets

Robot Toys

Science Toys


Spongebob Stuff

Sports Toys

Spy Toys

Stuffed Animals

Kids Vehicles

Video Games

2013 Toys

Boy Toys

Toys play a significant role in the economy for several reasons:

  1. Industry Size: The global toy industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry. In countries like the United States, it's a substantial segment of the economy. Toy sales can contribute significantly to retail sales, particularly during peak buying times like the holiday season.
  2. Employment: The toy industry creates numerous jobs. This includes not just roles within toy companies themselves but also roles in related industries like retail, distribution, and advertising. Additionally, many independent creators and small businesses are involved in toy design and manufacturing.
  3. Innovation: The toy industry often drives innovation, particularly in areas like technology and manufacturing. For example, developments in areas like augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are often adopted early by toy manufacturers looking to create new and exciting products.
  4. Export and Trade: Toys are a significant category of goods in international trade. Countries like China are major exporters of toys, which contributes to their economies.
  5. Influence on Other Industries: Toys based on movie, TV, and book franchises can drive sales not just of the toys themselves but also of the associated media products. This can have significant economic implications. For instance, merchandise sales (including toys) can sometimes outperform box office or book sales.
  6. Impact on Consumer Spending: As a discretionary expense, toy sales can be an indicator of broader economic health. When consumers feel confident about their financial situation, they're more likely to spend money on toys and other non-essential goods. Therefore, economists sometimes look at toy sales as a measure of consumer confidence.

So, while toys might seem like a small thing, they have a wide-reaching impact on the economy.